Ideal candidate , that is, himself makes every possible effort to work in our company and be part of our team. Inesem business school master in human resources management + 10 ects credits more information this recruitment methodology is very successful among many companies due to two fundamental factors; on the one hand, the candidate is shown how the company has the solution to his needs and gives him the initiative to be the one who decides the moment of contact; on the other hand, it turns them into an admirer of the entity by promoting their employer branding .
For more information on the application of employer branding, i recommend that you consult our employer branding and recruitment 3.0 course. What is e commerce photo editing inbound recruitment for? The inbound recruitment methodology allows the company to solve the talent deficit by reducing the time and costs in the personnel hiring process (especially when compared to traditional recruitment or outbound recruiting). The implementation of an inbound recruitment strategy has a number of advantages for companies: the value proposition of the company as an ideal place to work is strengthened. Bonds of empathy, sympathy and affinity are created between the company and the candidates.
The percentage of success in hiring is notably increased . Both the time and the costs of the contracting processes are reduced . The use of external employment channels and the subcontracting of the service are dispensed with . How is inbound recruitment applied? To implement an inbound recruitment strategy, this methodology is divided into 4 stages: attract : consists of spreading the company's values, its work philosophy, how it is inside (culture, innovations, what it contributes to society...) and why working in it would be beneficial for any professional. Convert : is the moment in which the user becomes a candidate. It will be